Download keycastr brew
Download keycastr brew


Doing so will blur out the option of sleeping your laptop, allowing you to close your laptop and plug it to an external display: This command was a true life-saver: sudo pmset -a sleep 0 sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0 sudo pmset -a disablesleep 1 I’m not sure if you guys have tried to connect your closed laptop to an external without a power adapter, but I sure have.


īONUS: How to connect MacBook to an external display with screen lid closed WITHOUT connecting power adapter: As an example: # File: # Apple system related alias turnonbt='blueutil -power 1' alias turnoffbt='blueutil -power 0' alias turnoffsleep='sudo pmset -a sleep 0 sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0 sudo pmset -a disablesleep 1' alias turnonsleep='sudo pmset -a sleep 1 sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 3 sudo pmset -a disablesleep 0' # Git alias gpom='git pull origin master' alias gmo='git merge origin' alias gc='git checkout' alias gs='git status' alias gcm='git commit -m' alias ga='git add' alias gb='git branch' alias gf='git fetch' alias gp='git pull' alias gr='git restore' alias push='git push origin' alias pull='git pull origin' alias stash='git stash' alias sapply='git stash apply' # Docker alias di='docker images list' alias dcp='docker container prune -f' alias di='docker images' alias dpa='docker ps -a' alias dp='docker pull' alias drf='docker rmi -f' alias dsp='docker system prune -f' # Other examples alias tf='terraform' alias kcl='kubectl'. In the folder $HOME/.local/include, you can include shell scripts with your aliases. zshrc for file in $HOME/.local/include/* do source $file done For me, I write all my aliases in $HOME/.local/include and include this snippet in $HOME/.zshrc. It reduces key strokes and makes developers more efficient. To speed up commands on the terminal, we always need aliases. Say goodbye to boring white text by installing it using: git clone $/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlightingĪfter installing custom plugins, we can enable them by adding it to the list of plugins to load in $HOME/.zshrc: Zsh-syntax-highlighting - This plugin adds colour to the commands you are typing. To install: git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions

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This is especially useful when you cannot remember an exact command or you have a long command that you wish to modify. This plugin helps to autosuggest commands you’ve previously used before and you can accept the suggestion using the → key. Zsh-autosuggestions - We issue hundreds of commands on the command line everyday. The power of oh my zsh comes from all the plugins that can be added to your shell experience.


To configure p10k to achieve the look above, run the following in iTerm2 and follow through the install wizard to customize to your own liking: p10k configure Oh My Zsh Plugins To install it, we’ll use brew once again (there are many other install options listed on the git repo): brew install romkatv/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k echo "source $(brew -prefix)/opt/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme" >~/.zshrc (Yes, I know there are many themes out there but I highly highly highly recommend this one!) It is super easy to setup and super sexy to have on your terminal with nice fonts and icons. To install oh my zsh, run the following in iTerm2: sh -c "$(curl -fsSL )" It’s absolutely essential to any developer as it contains hundreds of plugins and themes to configure your zsh. There’s a reason why oh my zsh has 147k stars. You must be wondering - “Hey, I’ve installed iTerm2 but it’s nowhere as sexy as yours, David.” Fret not my child, here’s what you install next. To install, run the following in the Terminal: brew install -cask iterm2įrom this point onwards, iTerm2 will replace the Terminal application forever.

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I don’t know about you but the right-hand side terminal looks so much more sexy visually, let alone the usage of it.

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Left: Terminal Right: iTerm2 (Images by Author)

Download keycastr brew